• Modern Approach To Customer Relationship Management. CRM Online

Modern Approach To Customer Relationship Management. CRM Online

CRM Оnline allows you to automate the main activities of any organization – the contact center, business process management, technologies for attracting new customers and retaining existing ones, developing and increasing customer loyalty.

With the development of technologies, the arrangement of priorities in the client service has radically changed. The call center is no longer a “front door” for customers. Marketing communications begin to form a client experience of interaction with the brand long before the customer’s first contact with the manager of the organization. From the moment of the client’s first acquaintance with the brand to the first call, it may take a long time. Therefore, the main task of management in these conditions is to make sure that this experience is valuable for the client and ensures competitiveness for the business.

Client Experience affects the entire cycle of interaction between the consumer of the product and the supplier: from attraction through advertising, the fact of purchase and the entire period of the product’s use until the end of the operation and disabling of the service. Client Experience is influenced by many factors: correctly chosen channel and time of communication, competent sellers or contact center managers, the way the company behaves during the entire period of product use and at the moment when the customer wants to cancel the service. In a market where the rules of the game dictate consumers, the price of a product or service has ceased to play a primary role, the client’s attitude to the organization, his involvement in the brand and loyalty comes to the forefront.

Modern marketing and lidogeneration mechanisms allow attracting a certain number of potential customers. Some of them will become new clients of the organization, and only a small percentage will turn into regular customers. CRM Оnline is a powerful tool for attracting, retaining and developing customers – will enable you to influence leads and customers more accurately and efficiently and turn the process of building relationships with clients into art.

CRM Оnline Features of the system:

  • Reference processes of sales and work with debts, management and planning of sales
  • Customer base management
  • Debt Collection
  • Automation of the contact center
  • Automation of document circulation

5 Main Directions of using CRM Оnline

The primary goal of CRM Оnline in the organization is to create a pipeline for attracting new customers and developing existing ones. Using the system to automate processes in the five main areas of the financial institution will improve the quality of service and build long-term relationships with customers.

  • Contact center. A simple test on the effectiveness of the contact center of the organization: the client addressed a non-standard issue regarding the product. After a while, called back to another operator wishing to make additions to the previous appeal. In a good contact center, the operator immediately sees the entire history of previous client requests, in a bad way – the manager will force him to repeat the essence of his question first.
  • Sales management. CRM-program is the main tool of the sales manager. It provides the ability to plan and execute the entire sales process. The software allows solving the tasks of increasing the profitability of customers, selecting the optimal product portfolio, expanding the list of used products, and so on.
  • The system allows you to organize work with customers who are in arrears on the loan. It forms a package of documents for the court, tables for data exchange with collection companies.
  • CRM-program helps to manage the mass impact: polls, mail and SMS-mailing, loyalty program.
  • Managing work time and staff performance. The system allows you to manage the sequence of the tasks of the managers of organization, and the manager can monitor and control the process of working with clients.

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