5 UX Design Hacks for 2018 that App Designers Shouldn’t Miss

Mobile app universe is always brimming with new technology disruptions. While 2017 brought smarter personalization, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and Bitcoin to the fore, this year’s focus will be on accessibility and user-friendly design. These 5 UX Design Trends For 2018 can offer mobile UX designers an insight into the driving forces behind innovation and business success.

User Journey Simplification

Our interaction with interact with apps or websites is directed towards a goal, the lesser is the effort demanded by the goal, the better is the experience. You can simplify a user journey and enhance the experience by offering a linear UX design with a specific beginning, middle, and end that offers users an estimate on how much time it’s required to complete a task. In addition to this UX design strategy, make a certain information or action visible only when users need it. The key to doing so is by employing a UX technique called progressive disclosure that not only improves comprehension of your app’s interface but also reduces the cognitive load.

Animated Microinteraction

With everyone raving about the new gesture-based iPhone X, UX designers have a new challenge in front of them and will have to pay more attention to gesture-based interactions such as discoverability and learnability issues. In order to influence the users’ decision-making process, UX designers need to offer them an engaging experience with animated micro-interactions that focus on desired goals and enhance the user experience by ultra-short response time.

Chatbot domination

A conversational interface will be a core element in UX design. The growing usage of AI will promote Chatbot domination and transform the manner in which companies conduct business especially the ones in creative fields such as music, movies, and art. With the advancements in predictive analysis, AI-powered chatbots will mimic human conversations, recognize human behaviors and offer an extremely personalized and customized experience which was previously unreachable.

Content-Centered Experience

User-Centered content-driven UX will be one of the greatest factors in driving user engagement. It’s important to declutter your UX design by creating a visual hierarchy with strong visual signifiers like contrasting colors for call-to-action buttons to motivate, influence, and invoke user actions. The strategy will not only clarify the user value of your app but also result in revenue by justifying well-defined funding.

Video Marketing

As average human attention span falls from 12 seconds in 2000, to 8 seconds in 2015, videos will play a crucial role in bringing reality into apps. With the rise of design expressions such as realism and bolder visual fragments, formats like 360-degree videos and Facebook Live will be increasingly used by businesses to deliver important and timely information. In order to make the most out of this UX trend, designers must direct video content an effortless integration into the user’s path.

In order to make the most of upcoming technology disruptions and accessibility features, UX designers will have to attribute equal importance to every element and assign a dedicated expert to each aspect. A perfect UX design team doesn’t just include a set of UI style guides but also visual designers, front-end developers, accessibility experts, content strategists, researchers, growth hackers and product heads.

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