Impact of New Technology on Road Safety – Few Innovations Worth Noticing

There are new technologies which are being brought into the market these days to improve and save the lives of thousands of the 1.30 million people who die and the 50 million people who get inured every year on the roads all over the globe. With the help of safety improvements in vehicles, the collection of vehicle and road data, driving apps, connectivity and more and more technologies being developed every year, there are few among them which have made a difference.

With the introduction of the Kimax onboard truck scales, measuring the load of vehicles has become easier than ever and you can eliminate the guesswork which often leads to road penalties and fines due to overloading. Apart from these, what are the other technologies which are making a difference? Here are few you should take note of.

Technology has made vehicles safer than before

There are several of the safety improvements that have been added to the vehicles like airbags, seat belts, child safety seats, brake lights which are slightly mounted and automatic stability control, to name some among the lot. With the invention of these technologies, it has said to have saved 600,000 lives in the US since the last 50 years. These days there are seat belts which can automatically adjust during the crash and track the position and size of the passenger or driver.

Smart vehicles are leading to fewer crashes

You must have heard about smart vehicles just as there are smartphones, smart TVs and smart home appliances. When there is increased connectivity, this can caution the drivers about road traffic and they can also stay connected during emergency situations. If you meet with an accident, some family member of yours will soon be informed so that he can come up to your service. There will come a time when driverless cars or shared cars could considerably improve the safety on roads while reducing traffic congestion.

There are apps for the drivers to reduce distractions

Did you know that distracted driving leads to 10% of the deaths caused by car crash? This is why there are apps like AT&T which help drivers to reduce all distractions and they mute the incoming text message alert while the drivers are driving.

Collection of data is the best method of diminishing the instance of crashes

In various parts of the world, there is more and more data on the crashes and lack of road safety. You’ll be alarmed to know that in different parts of Africa, deaths due to road crash have become 7 times higher than what they were reported earlier. In majority of the developing nations, safety data like the average speed for driving, child restraints, usage of seat belts and drunk driving are often not available. Hence, with a bit of improvement in collection of data, you could analyze the challenges and take counteractive steps.

Hence, it can be safely concluded that the invention of new technological advancements in the vehicle industry has certainly reduced the total number of road accidents.

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